I love the weather here. Last year we had nearly 66 inches of snow, a record for the Baltimore/Washington Area. This year with all the snow storms hitting in the south, west, east and north of us, I honestly believed we would be near those levels again. But oh no...we have barely moved over the 5 inch total mark. So why should that be a problem with me? Well because of last year record snow fall, I went out an purchased a treadmill.
My logic if you can call it that, tells me that had I not purchased the treadmill, we would be well up there with everyone else...but because of the treadmill setting in my house...God decided to keep the snow and ice away from us and give it to some poor sinner runner who didn't purchase a treadmill. Yea...you can say, I think God is in the treadmill business.
I truly believe that God has a sense of humor. That is why all my friends and family in the south are upset with the snow, after all they live in the south to escape winter's furry. All my friends in the north are upset with the tons of snow falling on their houses and the states are running out of money to move the snow off the streets. And my own son is upset that we aren't getting snow days here and he has to go to school. I just can't win, but I can run on my treadmill and think about all that snow coming down someplace else;) and just smile. After all, God makes the snow fall on the just and unjust.