Friday, October 24, 2008

Prayer and Running

This morning I ran at Manhattan Beach. It was one of those beautiful mornings. The strand was packed with people walking and running. Surfers were out on the Pacific...though the waves were not all that good for them. But there was something about the moment that caused me to think about our country, the election and the economy.

As I ran by more senior individuals, I wonder how this day would effect them. I tried to look at each individual and think about what it was that they needed to be successful today. Yea...sounds crazy, but that's prayer. It's lifting each individual up before God and asks God to bless them. Too often we get side tracked with our own business that we forget our connection to each other. Or we are so self consumed that we see others as only a problem to be tolerated.

As I ran along the strand, I past vote for Obama signs and McCain signs. I couldn't figure out any rhyme or reason for the placement of the sign. Most of the homes along the strand are very expensive. But I wondered which of these two would be our next president and I though about what each would bring good and bad to our future. It's going to be interesting...but that's prayer. Lifting up our choice to God and asking for wisdom to choice the right one.

For me running is prayer. It is a time to think about what it is that God's run was a prayer. And it was very enjoyable.

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