Wednesday, July 30, 2008
To be honest most of our lives are humdrum the any little excitement and we get to say we were there. So that really bad snow storm becomes the "Blizzard of 75" and the bad summer thunderstorm becomes the storm of the century. But most of us, if any of us, really are not the true survivors. Those in the eye of the storm have a different point of view and it is not one of excitement but more often of fear. So...I survived the earthquake...and it was fun.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Leaving Home, Again
Being a father of four talented children is scarry at times. You want them to be successful, and at the same time you don't want to be pushy and at the same time you want them to be productive and at the same hold your breath and watch them walk away into their future.
Our eldest daughter (#1) went off to college and grad school, only to return this summer to visit us for really the first time in three years. Having her at home was wonderful, and I was surprised at how hard she worked at everything. Her work ethic changed dramaticly over the past years. She spent hours and days working on her lines for the play she will be performing back east this year. She was up every morning at 4 am to work in a local coffee shop because she didn't want to have us, her parents, pay for everything. Then this past Sunday we took her to the Airport to send her off to "work."
I miss her...not being around the house, just like I miss our second daughter who is working hard in her grad school back east. (Actually in just a few weeks, I'll be headed back east again for our second daughter's graduation from grad school.) But what is really nice is to know they believe in themselves and they will be successful because they love what they are doing.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Wrong Turn

Early this morning, my daughter (#3) and I went for a long run. As we approached Trump National Golf Course, we decided to take the trail along the coast for a change. As we ran along the cliff over looking the water it was beautiful. Then we came to a folk in the road. We both knew the easier path was along the top of the cliff but we took the path leading down to the beach. It was great for the first five minutes...then the sand became soft and we started to sink with every step...greatly increasing our effort. Finally after about 10 minutes we started up the cliff face back to the overhead path.
It was tough going. The switch backs and rutted path seemed to sap every ounce of energy. I grunted out a word of what I thought was encouragement only to have my daughter snap at me in her frustration. The next miles were filled with the silence of our feet on the pavement. When we finished at home, my daughter smiled and gave me a hug saying..."That was a tough run."
The simplicity of those words expressed it all. In life we all make wrong turns that end up making life a little tougher for us and those around us. But if we can push through to the end...take the heat...let silence be there...then in the is as they say "All Good."
In my work, I see people everyday that expect life to be easy, as if it should be easy, and then when it is not they are mad at God and others. Often they are quick to blame the difficulties to the actions of others. My proposal to them and to all of us is that of Benjamin Franklin: "That which doesn't kill, instructs." It is our responsibility to push through and make ourselves a little bit stronger, smarter and improve our character.
Friday, July 25, 2008
The Problem with Evil
First View: Staying inside for the next hour and not leaving work. Finishing the project and then I'm done with it. But that means...sitting in rush hour traffic and not getting home until late. I'll feel very important, and might save hundreds of dollars, but the truth is I might, at the end of my struggle, be no further along with the project then where I am right now. And because I'll be home so late...I'll not get a run in and feel all negative about myself.
Second View: I'll take off now, beat the rush hour traffic. Enjoy being with my kids and wife. Get out with my daughter and run about 4 or 5 miles and enjoy the beautiful day. But I know that come Monday morning the project will still be here...and I'll have wished I got the stupid thing done last Friday before I left.
Temptation + Opportunity = Evil.
That's the problem in a nutshell. When we have to choose between two reasonably equal choices how do we choose?
Polkinghorne writes that scientists " with partial knowledge and a degree of intellectual uncertainty."(Quantum Physics and Theology, page 70) We, all live with that reality that all of our knowledge is limited and that there will always be a degree of uncertainty when making decisions and there is the rub. We have to act and make decisions constantly in the dynamics of the moment…and live with the consequences.
So now to make the decision, we must use our values. What is the most important thing I can do right now. Well if you didn’t read it in the first paragraph you missed it. I’m headed home. My daughter will only be with me for another year before heading off to college. Today, I have been successful with the work that I had to get done and the truth is the only reason for me staying is to make myself look like I’m committed to the job. But my brain is numbed and I’m not going to improve on what is there. In fact because I’m not thinking clearly, I may make a mistake. So as it says in Ecclesiastics…there is a time for everything under heaven…and I’m making time for my daughter and family. This work will be here on Monday.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Running or Racing
I disagreed and here is why. 1. Walking helps runners extend the distance and time, we spend running. 2. It is in my opinion a form of interval training. Interval training is the idea of stressing the heart and allowing it to recover, then stressing it again. This helps to make the heart more efficient. 3. Finally because there are periods of rest and we know that rest is coming, we mentally will push a little harder during our run periods.
The old adage "No pain; no gain" is false. The goal for the majority of us is to exercise the body...few of us will ever run to win a gold medal in the Olympic Games.
This past year, I turned 50 and one of my goals for the year was to run 5 marathons. Please note the "run" part of that. The goal was to run...not race. What surprised me was by using this method and controlling my pace, I was able to run 3 of these in a span of 36 days. On the 27th of April, I ran the Big Sur Marathon in goal was 5 hours. Then about 20 some days later on the 17 May, I ran the Palos Verde Marathon in goal was 4:40. Finally on 1 June, down in San Diego, I ran the Rock-n-Roll Marathon in goal...4:20.
The reason was the control that I exercised by using the run walk pace really didn't change. At Big Sur, I ran 1 minute walked 1 minute cycle for the first half of the race and then I ran 4 minutes walked 1 minute for the last half of the race. In Palos Verde, I used the 4 minute/1 minute cycle through the entire race. The 20 minute difference was not because of speed but because I cut back a little on the rest. Then in San Diego, the 20 minute was again not my pace but the rest. In this last race I used a 9 minute/1 minute ratio. For more information on this method check out Jeff Galloway’s Running: A year round plan. (Pages 18-22).
Now a quick note on racing: Racing is ...pushing to beat someone or something else. It is racing when you are working to better your previous time or you are trying to beat another runner. Walking breaks maybe what keeps you from winning that battle...but then maybe what helps you win. In a short one mile or two mile race, could you imagine what a one minute walking break would do to an Olympic runner? They would be lapped by everyone else in the field, because of the level of competition. But if I'm taking a quick walking break every other mile in a Marathon race the difference maybe at the end only a matter of inches because my competitor may have hit the wall hard at 20 miles and struggled to finish...and I having that little extra, pass him in the last mile.
It has to do with personality, goals and determination. For the majority of us, our little walking breaks only serve to make us better runners. So keep on running and take a minute every now and then to smell the roses.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
But then I go back to that EPR effect idea (Entanglement Theory). It is an earlier posting in this blog. The idea that we are connected on the subatomic level and anything that effects one effect the other regardless of their location has to have a effect. My prayers, my sending out good and healing thoughts towards her isn't a New Age, make you feel good thing. The reality is that God makes these connections so that we express and experience the best of life...both its pain and more importantly its joy.
My pain, my confusion of not being with my mother, was not so unlike her own as she was in the ICU. My prayers and thoughts supported her and with that I have no doubt. I can easily say that I was with her in my spirit...and it would be the truth.
Henri Nouwen once wrote about the creative ministry of absence. I have not doubt that absence and separation, although uncomfortable...still works.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Life in the Desert
When I think of the desert, I see images of dead long horn cattle, sand and tumble weeds. But the truth is very different. The desert is full of life. Animals and plants adapted to their dry environment.
When I look at my life, I've seen periods of times were I feel like I'm living in a desert. Its uncomfortable and hard. But in retrospect those periods may not have been the most productive times of my life, but I found them to be times when I became stronger - spiritually, mentally and physically.

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Future Plans
Later in a conversation with my wife, I came back to the old paradigm and question, is the glass half full or half empty? Much too often we limit ourselves to a pessimistic attitude that because things are beyond our control...we are better off not wasting our time. After all the glass is half empty and if we just stay as we are then at less we have something. But as a Christian, with a strong belief that God works outside of our vision that half empty attitude is not comforting. I feel that we need to step out and move...and if I'm spilling the water in the be it.
As a Christian, I plan my future by taking action in the things I can control; in the decisions I make. Those things that are not in my control...I have to leave for God to work out...outside of my vision. I believe if I have prepared myself to the best of my ability when the situation arises for me to act...I will be able to step forward and take advantage of it. If I have failed to prepare...the chance will slip by.
Mark Batterson, the pastor of National Community Church said it the best: "Work like it depends on you, pray like it depends on God."
So the pessimist may advance; "What if that door never opens?" And if it doesn't open, at less the glass is full.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Running Easy
I like everyone I know hates to get up and run, but once you have run a mile or two, the body seems to wake up and I feel you have more energy to confront the day. The day will too quickly be upon us with its problems and in the early dawn as the sun starts its ascent...the concerns of the day seem light years away.
Entanglement Theory
I spent this morning with my daughter and the college recruiter walking around the campus. We visited many of the new buildings on campus and several of the old ones. As we were concluding the tour, the college recruiter asked if I heard the story about the old dining hall being haunted and if I knew anything about the old printing press workshop that was in the basement. I remembered.
I remember setting type with Dr Winship in the basement as we printed pamphlets for several different college programs and special papers. "Sign of St George" was the name of the workshop. Dr Winship passed away several years ago, so was the basement workshop still haunted by his presence? Apparently it his print shop still stands with presses covered and a layer of dust coating everything in the shop. And for this one student of his that remembered…what that workshop was like…his memory and his work was alive.
When we deal with the past, voyaging back in our memories or in visiting old haunts, the connections still binds us to things even if they have been forgotten. The entanglement theory was one of Einstein’s last major contributions to quantum physics. And yet it provides a reason for this connectiveness that makes no logical sense. Time/Space continuum is a mystery…but when one particle is effected by something it will effect its partner particle immediately regardless of where that particle is in Time/Space.
When we meet and connect with others…they leave trace residue with us…and we are connected on a subatomic level. If we allow ourselves to recognize this bond then there is a dramatic implication. Love is this dramatic implication…when we are bonded to each other. Our ability to have empathy for others helps us heal, encourage, support and strengthen them and ourselves. We benefit and help ourselves when we reach out to others.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Traveling Back
On the drive, we passed many places where I had run races while in college. My biggest regret from my college days was the lack of a coach. Yes, the college had a coach if you could call him that. He was really only one of the professors at the school who basicly volunteered to help us have a cross-country team. He knew nothing about developing my running suffered.
After college, I worked hard for 10 years to develop my running and did a halfway decent job...but I was self-coached. I managed a 3:07 marathon, but I was in shape to have run sub 3, but I didn't have a even in that great run...I know now I could have been even faster. The other problem with being self-coached is that you drive yourself into the injury zone by over training and not getting enough in my 30's, my body began to breakdown. So my advice: find yourself a coach. Someone who knows what they are doing. That way you can enjoy your running and improve.
(Side note: I have four children and out of respect for their privacy...and the fact that I've preached about them from the pulpit once to often will respect that privacy)
Saturday, July 5, 2008
The Three Driving Forces in My Life
The reason for the name "Spirituality and Running" is those are the two major elements of my life that help me cope, grow, and develop those three other driving forces in my life. So here comes nothing...or here comes something?