Thursday, July 10, 2008

Future Plans

I had the opportunity today to talk with our speaker at the retreat. In our conversation, he shared the reality of ...or should I say the slim change of mine to become an educator at higher levels of education. The main thing I carried away from our conversation was there are two areas that will effect any future course of mine. The first is the things totally out of my control...such as the number of positions that maybe open and the quality of others who may be seeking the same position. The second area is the things in my control, earning a second doctorate degree and refining the area of my studies.

Later in a conversation with my wife, I came back to the old paradigm and question, is the glass half full or half empty? Much too often we limit ourselves to a pessimistic attitude that because things are beyond our control...we are better off not wasting our time. After all the glass is half empty and if we just stay as we are then at less we have something. But as a Christian, with a strong belief that God works outside of our vision that half empty attitude is not comforting. I feel that we need to step out and move...and if I'm spilling the water in the be it.

As a Christian, I plan my future by taking action in the things I can control; in the decisions I make. Those things that are not in my control...I have to leave for God to work out...outside of my vision. I believe if I have prepared myself to the best of my ability when the situation arises for me to act...I will be able to step forward and take advantage of it. If I have failed to prepare...the chance will slip by.

Mark Batterson, the pastor of National Community Church said it the best: "Work like it depends on you, pray like it depends on God."

So the pessimist may advance; "What if that door never opens?" And if it doesn't open, at less the glass is full.

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