Monday, September 15, 2008

Good News??? Bad News!!!!

It was one of those days. I'm running from meeting to meeting all morning. The day was so full of meetings that I had to schedule a lunchtime meeting with the representatives of the Gideons International. Love the group, but hate eating a huge lunch...which it was...but a really productive meeting. Then I rushed to get back to work and I had my senior enlisted troop come up to me before our staff meeting asking if I wanted the Good News or Bad News or should he wait until the staff meeting. My response; "...never tell the boss bad news in a meeting so let me have it."

Good news...the Command Chaplain was coming for a visit "next week." The Bad news...the number 8 runner for the base team was out of the marathon and I was now selected to run the race on Saturday in Dayton. Or was that the other way around...sometimes the good news sounds like the bad news and the bad news sounds like the good news.

Honestly both pieces of information were both good and bad. Good that the Command Chaplain wants to visit us...bad because we have to rush and get things ready for the visit...not really a lot to do but just having to get it done in 8 days. The run was bad news for the runner not being able to compete. I know she trained hard and was ready to run a super fast on the other hand...I'm about 45 minutes slower even on my best day. Good news because I really wanted to run the Air Force Marathon again. I've run the race in 2002 and 2003 when I lived there. I love the course and the people.

This is what life is about. Things happen and if you are prepared for them, you can step up and take full advantage of them. Most people, I know would really panic if they knew the big boss was coming to visit. But I've got a great staff and nothing seems to phase them...and with me being gone for 4 days out of the 8 to prepare for the visit they will do a better job then with me standing over their shoulders trying to get them to do things my way. Again most people would not be able to say...okay...I'll do a 26.2 mile race this weekend and give it my all...okay...a few of us insane runners could do it. But I'm really not worried about the run. I've done 19 marathons, and since last October, I've done 5 and 3 of those were done in a 32 day window of time.

So these two pieces of information that would petrify others are only challenges for me...not because I'm anything special...but because I'm prepared. So my encouragement to you is stop worrying about the things you have no control over...but prepare yourself now for the challenges that are coming in the future.

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